If we talk in Germany about Islam, it’s often less to the Muslims than the Muslim women. We talk about their long coats, their headscarves, even on your hymen. We ask: Are you oppressed by their husbands, fathers, brothers? May you wear make-up, in Discos, in WGs draw? Rarely, a Muslim, answers the inner self to these questions. The experts, Association officials, critics of Islam and other Muslim take over-explainer in this country.

Livia Gerster

editor in the policy of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

F. A. Z.

Well, that the Islamic scholar Katajun Amirpur opposes the collection of the first volume of a new book series called “Islam & Gender”. The German-Iranian Professor is six scientists of the word, most of them self with a Muslim Background. Because, although the position of women in Islam is constantly at the center of heated debates, it is called Amirpur the theme of “amazing under-researched”.

The authors, Theologians, educators, Arabist indoor and Islamic scientists. You look from different points of view on the question of the equality of man and woman in Islam. It is about traditional role models among Muslims in Germany and the question of the extent to which, beside the Religion, culture and social Status play a role. In addition, the author deal with the discrimination of women with headscarves in the German labour market, with literary images of Women in the history of Islam and the question of how women are to Islamists.

Through all the contributions, the motif of the two fronts on which Muslim occur inside since time immemorial for their rights are promoted. In colonial times they were between the national Muslim fighters on the one hand, and Western conquerors, on the other. The one instrument, the women internalized as the depositaries of the Islamic heritage, the other as a ward, it is free. Today, just a religious Muslim would find inside, wedged between Muslim traditionalists and “secular fundamentalists”. Both sides took advantage of the Qur’an and cracks verses out of context in order to bring the women to be Silent. The a in the name of God, the other in the name of enlightenment.

exciting feminist Qur’anic exegesis, dedicated to the theologian Dina El Omari is against this Background. It shows how women justify their struggle for equality with the Koran and anti-women scholars of Islam so striking with their own weapons. Therefore, the Qur’an and the collections of the prophet’s tradition are chauvinistic, but the men who have interpreted the texts for centuries in their meaning.

Omari is here are some of the Quranic verses, with which traditionalists like the inferiority of women to prove, such as the Verse 4:43: “men are The women, because God has given some of them, and because of the expenses that you have made your fortune.” Feminist Theologians to explain something like this: this is not a question of women is bad, but to maintain about you in a deeply Patriarchal society from poverty. Transfer the statement to the present time, as is apparent from the fact that they should take in a relationship to support each other and responsibility – regardless of gender.