According to investigators, knife assassination in front of Amsterdam’s Hauptbahnhof was a terrorist attack: perpetrator “had a terrorist motive”, city administration announced. The suspect, who is said to have severely injured two US citizens on Friday, is an Afghan with a German residence permit. He was injured in an escape attempt by policemen with gunshots.

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Previously, U.S. ambassador to Nerlands, Pete Hoekstra, had informed us that two were attacked by tourists from United States. A spokesman for Amsterdam police confirmed information and said that two were now responsive. The suspected offender is also in hospital and will be interrogated with an interpreter.

You stand with German authorities in “intensive contact” to get more clarity about a possible terrorist Tatmotiv, city of Amsterdam shared. The police had impression that man did not consciously or with a special intention selected two persons he stabbed in hall of Central station.

According to city Council of Amsterdam, alleged perpetrator is 19 years old. The german authorities had already searched suspect’s apartment and secured data carriers. A spokeswoman for Federal Criminal Investigation Office (BKA) said that at present, both in Germany and in Nerlands, city and CV of man were determined. The Dutch police took charge of investigation.

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Previously, Federal Ministry had confirmed that attacker had a German residence permit.

Taliban had called on attacks

The knife attack occurred one day after radical Islamic Afghan Taliban had called for attacks on Dutch soldiers. The occasion was a plan by right-wing populist Geert Wilders to hold a competition in Dutch Parliament on caricatures of Prophet Mohammed. Wilders and his Freedom Party (PVV) have repeatedly provoked protest by Muslims with anti-Islamic actions.

On question of wher re was a connection between Wilders ‘ plans and attack, police did not want to say anything. On Tuesday, Dutch police at Hague Central Station had arrested a man for alleged attack plans against Wilders. On Thursday, Wilders told cartoon contest. According to his own data, he had received several death threats.