The number of in the state of Hesse registered e-mails with the signature NSU 2.0 is now increased to 83. 14 of them were after the special session of the interior Committee on may 21. July has been sent, reported to justice Minister Eva Kühne-Hörmann (CDU) on Thursday in the Parliament in a special session of the Committee on legal Affairs. Added to this were four letters that had sent a former Bavarian police officer and his wife. The two of them would be considered “freeloaders,” said the Frankfurt Prosecutor Michael Löer. He countered the accusation of the Opposition that the prosecution in the affair of the e-mails above with the necessary determination.

Ewald Hetrodt

correspondent of the Rhein-Main-Zeitung in Wiesbaden.

F. A. Z.

As reported, had declared the chief of the Prosecutor’s office in Frankfurt, Albrecht Schreiber, in the meeting of the inner Committee, that accepted the case, the comedian Idil Baydar in November 2019, but only in the summer of 2020 the first police officers as witnesses have heard. Löer argued on Thursday there is a long list of individual measures. This monitoring included traffic measures, as well as the analysis of Data and the formulation of requests for information. Because of new investigative approaches had been added, have to set new priorities. The hearing of police officers have not heard of them, because you have not made the best experiences. It had been in March planned and on the Corona-pandemic failed.