Of “firmness”. This is what Bruno Le Maire wants in the government’s immigration law. Because the Minister of Economy and Finance is worried that the presidential camp could be accused of being “lax or angelic” on this issue, according to comments reported Tuesday, May 23 by his entourage.

While participating in the Renaissance executive board on Monday, he called on Macronists to be “clear on migration policy”. “Our compatriots expect firmness, firmness and firmness. So, let’s be basic: let’s be firm, “he said, according to those around him, confirming comments reported by Le Figaro.

The government is going from reversal to reversal on its bill, cut, postponed then finally advanced. A text combining a hard line on illegal immigration and a section for the regularization of certain workers in economic sectors in high tension must finally be presented in July for examination in Parliament in the fall.

Faced with a counter-offensive from the Republicans, who presented two very firm legislative proposals on Sunday to reduce immigration, he wanted to stand out by refusing to “do things contrary to European law or the Constitution”. “Let’s not be accused of being lax or angelic, let’s be firm, without excessive words, without populism, without being contrary to our identity”, wished the Minister of Finance.

For him, “firmness means: a foreigner in an irregular situation must leave, a foreigner must speak French if he wants to come to France”. “Everything that Gérald Darmanin stands for, in short,” he summed up.