Shift. Gérald Darmanin will visit Mayotte on Saturday and Sunday, two months after the deployment of law enforcement reinforcements as part of Operation Wuambushu to fight against unsanitary housing, crime and illegal immigration, announced Wednesday the Ministry of the Interior. French authorities have since April deployed hundreds of police and gendarmes to Mayotte, France’s poorest department, to carry out a series of interventions by security and social services collectively known as “Wuambushu” (“recovery” in Mahoran). .

Anniversary. Far from eliminating abortions, the U.S. Supreme Court’s historic U-turn on abortion a year ago above all created a hellish headache for women, a mess in the courts and a dilemma for the Republican Party. On June 24, 2022, the high court, significantly overhauled by Donald Trump, overturned its Roe v. Wade which guaranteed since 1973 the right of American women to have an abortion, and gave back to each State its freedom to legislate in the matter. The same day, the first states banned terminations of pregnancy on their soil, forcing clinics to close urgently or to move to more welcoming lands.