in Belarus through mass protests against electoral fraud under pressure, failing in power, Alexander Lukashenka has ordered the laying of False paratroopers to Grodno in the West of the country. In the Region, the situation is tensioned, said Lukashenka on Saturday evening in a state-televised meeting of the General staff. “What is happening in these areas, we will not look at us calm.” Details he called.

The 65-Year-old instructed the defense and interior ministries, as well as the secret service, the KGB, and no “illegal actions” in the country. Specifically, his opponents planned a human chain from the EU country, Lithuania, through Belarus to Ukraine. This action of solidarity for the protests need to be prevented.

“No other goals than a stable state

Lukashenka” tried in the face of pressure on him in several appearances on Saturday, the attention of applied to direct people to an alleged threat from abroad. Tens of thousands of people demanded across the country due to fraud in the presidential election on Sunday his resignation. Many state-owned enterprises are on strike. Even journalists at the state TV threatened with a work stoppage.

“I have not received any other goals, as an independent and stable state,” said Lukashenka. What’s the risk to look, he said. He had also asked the Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin in a phone call for help. State media corrected in the evening statements Lukaschenkas, according to which Russia’s military could intervene. In a message from the Kremlin to the conversation, there was no talk of any help in the present Situation.