“We must continue to reach out to the labor forces. This is the wish that Emmanuel Macron expressed, Monday, March 27, 2023, to the leaders of the presidential majority and to the tenors of the government, gathered at the Élysée, on the eve of the tenth day of inter-union mobilization against the reform of the retreats.

While Laurent Berger invited the government to put the reform project “on hold” for six months, a participant in this meeting argued that “the text, in fact, is on hold” for the time of its examination at the end of April. “The idea would be to use this time and put it to good use to talk about all the other topics” related to working conditions and the employment of seniors, he added.

On this occasion, the president also accused the Insoumis of wanting to “delegitimize” the institutions: “There is a real political project carried out by La France insoumise which tries to delegitimize the reasonable order, our institutions. »

Emmanuel Macron insisted on the need to “condemn the violence very, very firmly”. He judged that they had “nothing to do with pensions” and that their “only common point is to attack our institutions and the forces of order”.