The General Confederation of Labor (CGT) of the waste and sanitation sector in Paris is calling for a new renewable strike against the pension reform from Thursday, April 13, after a three-week movement in March which caused a build-up of garbage cans in the streets of the capital.

This new “renewable and indefinite” strike notice is filed “for the withdrawal of the Macron-Borne pension reform and for a return to retirement at 60 years maximum, with for the personnel concerned a return to 50 and 55 years “, explains in a statement released Monday evening the majority union in the sector in Paris, which had suspended a first movement on March 29 for lack of strikers.

This new notice will begin the day before the announcement on April 14 of the decisions of the Constitutional Council on the pension reform. The members of the Constitutional Council will decide on the one hand on the constitutionality of the pension reform, on the other hand on the admissibility of the request for a referendum of shared initiative (RIP) launched by the left.

Life expectancy of twelve to seventeen years less

The CGT-FTDNEEA (for Waste treatment, cleaning, water, sewer and sanitation sector) also calls “all the staff of the DPE [cleanliness and water management] to participate actively and massively in the days of inter-union and inter-professional action of the days to come ”and in particular that of Thursday, she specifies in her strike notice sent Monday to the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo.

The CGT assures the elected socialist, opponent of Emmanuel Macron, that the garbage collectors and dumpster drivers of Paris “would retire at 59 years old”, against 57 years old today, in the event of adoption of the reform, then that “the vast majority of DPE staff have a life expectancy of twelve to seventeen years less than all employees in France”.

This announcement comes as the streets of Paris have regained an almost normal appearance at the start of the week after three weeks of a strike symbolized by a peak of more than 10,000 tonnes of uncollected garbage, and piles of garbage cans reaching several meters high in some areas.

Monday, five days after the lifting of the movement, the collection returned “gradually to normal”, declared the town hall. Since this same lifting, the three incinerators of Ivry-sur-Seine, Issy-les-Moulineaux and Saint-Ouen, crucial for the evacuation of waste from the capital, are still subject to sporadic blockages by people outside the industry.