The independence list came out on top in the first round of territorial elections in French Polynesia and will face in the second round that of the outgoing autonomist president and another autonomist list, according to the provisional results communicated Sunday by the High Commission.

If they win the second round on April 30, the separatists will for the first time be in a position of strength against the French state to negotiate a process of decolonization and a referendum on self-determination.

With 34.9%, the list led by former independence president Oscar Temaru and deputy Moetai Brotherson won the first round of these elections and will face in the second round that of outgoing president Edouard Fritch (30.46%) and that of former autonomist vice-president Nuihau Laurey (14.54%).

None of the five other lists presented managed to reach the bar of 12.5% ??of the votes cast, which allowed access to the second round.

Oscar Temaru’s Tavini party is in a strong position ahead of the second round, as it is expected to benefit from a large share of the votes carried over from the eliminated parties, all of which campaigned against the incumbent president.

Edouard Fritch bears the brunt of his government’s poor communication during the Covid epidemic. Despite a rather positive economic balance sheet, the high inflation suffered by Polynesia in 2022 (8.5%) is also attributed to it by part of the opinion, because it introduced a new VAT to preserve local social security. .

His opponent Moetai Brotherson campaigned on the abolition of this tax and more generally on purchasing power. He spoke little about independence and was able to seduce beyond this electorate, capitalizing on the rejection of Edouard Fritch.

The independence party had already won the three seats of deputies allocated to Polynesia in the June 2022 legislative elections. Polynesian voters had elected the youngest deputy of the National Assembly, Tematai Le Gayic, as well as Steve Chailloux and Moetai Brotherson. The latter is the Tavini candidate for the presidency of French Polynesia.

In the Territoriales, the Polynesians elect the 57 representatives of their Assembly. The winning list benefits from a strong majority bonus which guarantees it three-quarters of the seats.

The local Assembly then elects its president and the president of French Polynesia, who constitutes its government. This overseas collectivity indeed enjoys considerable autonomy within the French Republic.

04/17/2023 13:00:49 – Papeete (AFP) – © 2023 AFP