Officially, the Federal government still has no confirmation for the message, the government’s Trump wool pull 9500 soldiers from Germany and the upper limit of the stationed there to 25,000 lower. That alone is further evidence for the unpredictability of the man in the White house, and what he thinks of voting in Nato. The deduction is supposed to be an act of revenge for the alleged refusal of the Chancellor, at the G-7 Meeting in the summer, you can imagine now quite. It would fit Trumps narcissism.

Should correspond to the message so the facts would be a further decision, about which one can only shake the head. Because the West would be further weakened, because the basis of trust further eroded. It is true that Germany and the other European Nato partners are instructed in safety to America.

That is, all European oaths, in Spite of, in the foreseeable future, remain so. The deficits, however, are detected and hopefully reduced further. But it is not so, as the American commitment in Europe and in Nato alone is a work of altruism is: It serves American and world security interests.