Four years from the deadline, presidential ambitions are asserting themselves and strategies are being refined. According to an OpinionWay poll for Le Parisien, Édouard Philippe would be best placed to bring together voters from the right and the center. To the question “Who to unite the right and the center?” “, 42% of respondents choose the former Prime Minister of Emmanuel Macron, ahead of Bruno Le Maire (27%), Gérald Darmanin (22%), Xavier Bertrand (22%) or even Laurent Wauquiez (17%), yet designated candidate by his side.

The lead is even stronger when the question is asked of LR and UDI supporters: Édouard Philippe is preferred (66%) to Xavier Bertrand (54%) and Bruno Le Maire (53%). Again, Laurent Wauquiez is left behind (50%). Gérald Darmanin, who no longer hides his ambitions, does not seem to have convinced (44%). Interviews were conducted on August 30 and 31 with 1,009 people.

When asked “Who would you vote for in 2027?” “Here again Édouard Philippe largely dominates the ranking, with 33% of all those polled who would vote for him. It is thus ahead of Marine Le Pen (30%), then the tenants of Bercy (19%) and Beauvau (17%).

“It’s important because the whole difficulty, on the right, is to create an attractive current between the presidential majority and the radical right – or extreme right – of Le Pen or Zemmour”, estimates Bruno Jeanbart, vice-president of OpinionWay, who warns: “At some point, we will have to enter the battle, present a project to the French. The whole difficulty is the transition from this positioning a little above to the landing in the campaign arena. »