After controversial action of police in Dresden against journalists, re is now also criticism of action of police forces in Stuttgart. Specifically, this is about an assignment last weekend in city. As several media reports, police journalists had denied access to an information stand of Identitarian Movement (IB).

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The Ver. Di Union shared that police forces had prevented journalists from working. Sentences such as “The freedom of press is now suspended” or “here freedom of press” now ends. The German journalist and journalist union, which belongs to Ver. Di, spoke in communication among or things of a “disproportionate obstruction of journalistic work” and called for clarification of provincial Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU).

The ministry referred on Friday to explanatory statements of police. “The fact that no one was allowed to go has served to protect people,” said a ministry spokesman. “And of course this has nothing to do with fact that freedom of press is suspended. If se words were actually so pleasing, this is of course completely wrong. “

Against demonstrators wanted to upset IB rally

The identitary movement had set up an information stand on Sunday in Stuttgart on centrally located Castle Square. Around 40 against demonstrators had attempted to disrupt rally following a report by Stuttgart News. The police have spoken four places, and in two cases y are investigating insults and threats.

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According to Ver. Di, a journalist from a member of Identitarian movement was also threatened with violence. “The report of rapporteur’s complaint was unfortunately only accepted by police officers after repeated pressures,” it continued.

Since it was known that an employee of state criminal office of Saxony was on a Pegida demonstration last week and policemen subsequently held a ZDF team for almost 45 minutes, re is a nationwide debate about a restriction of freedom of press By Saxon police. Meanwhile, police have apologized for ir behavior. The journalists were detained for too long.

The identitary movement originated in France and has also been active in Germany since 2012. The grouping is especially directed against immigrants and regularly warns against “alienation”. The constitutional protection observes Identitary movement. Around 500 of its supporters are to be organized in 17 regional groups and 100 local groups nationwide.