in the Beginning it was just for daily Survival. So a resident from Sweida, a town in the South-East of Syria reported it in text messages. The Name of the Facebook group, the demonstrations were organized to show already: “We want to live!” However, it was not the anger over the economic crisis worsens in Syria is rapidly increasing. “Come on, get out, o Bashar”, shouted last week to a small crowd of protesters, the Syrian President.

Christoph Ehrhardt

a correspondent for the Arab countries, based in Beirut.

F. A. Z. Twitter

it has not passed in the dominion of Bashar al-Assad for a long time. Although the people in Sweida, which belong to the minority of the Druze enjoy, for various reasons, a degree of protection against the repressive apparatus. You will need less than others fear to disappear forever in the Torture chambers of the regime. Nevertheless, the protests are significant: In Sweida was pronounced on the road, what is elsewhere said behind his Hand.

persons to contact in Damascus, who were even two years ago, as a staunch supporter of Assad’s Regime, describe your country now as a “prison” from which they wanted as soon as possible to erupt. Also from the coastal regions, the heartland of the alawites, the population group of the President whose allegiance to the Regime relies largely, come to mad complaining about the economic Hardship.