
Quad Statement on Iran’s NPT Safeguards Agreement

The Quad countries – France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States – have issued a statement expressing their concerns regarding Iran’s compliance with its NPT Safeguards Agreement. The statement, addressed to the Chair of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), emphasizes the importance of Iran fulfilling its obligations to ensure that its nuclear program remains exclusively peaceful.

Continued Lack of Progress and Transparency

Despite repeated efforts by the IAEA to engage with Iran and seek clarification on various issues related to its nuclear activities, the Quad countries note with dismay that there has been little to no progress. Iran has failed to provide credible explanations regarding undeclared nuclear material and activities at specific locations, raising serious doubts about the peaceful nature of its nuclear program.

The Quad countries express their concern over Iran’s refusal to implement modified Code 3.1 as part of its Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, emphasizing that this refusal hinders the IAEA’s ability to effectively monitor Iran’s nuclear facilities. By not adhering to this code, which requires the early disclosure of design information for new nuclear facilities, Iran is raising suspicions about its intentions and capabilities related to nuclear weapons production.

Urgent Call for Cooperation and Transparency

The Quad countries urge Iran to fully cooperate with the IAEA to address outstanding issues and provide the necessary information and access to facilities for verification purposes. They emphasize that Iran must act in good faith to resolve safeguards investigations and comply with its legal obligations under the NPT Safeguards Agreement.

Furthermore, the Quad countries condemn Iran’s decision to de-designate experienced IAEA inspectors, which undermines the Agency’s ability to conduct effective verification activities in Iran. They call on Iran to reverse this decision and engage constructively with the IAEA to ensure transparency and cooperation in all nuclear-related matters.

Implications for Non-Proliferation Efforts

The Quad countries underscore the importance of Iran fulfilling its safeguards obligations not only for regional security but also for the broader global non-proliferation architecture. They warn that Iran’s continued lack of transparency and cooperation could set dangerous precedents and erode the integrity of the international non-proliferation regime.

In light of Iran’s persistent delays and lack of cooperation, the Quad countries stress that further action may be necessary, including requesting the IAEA Director General to compile a Comprehensive Report on Iran’s nuclear activities. This report would assess all relevant information and determine whether additional measures, such as invoking Article 19 of Iran’s Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, are required to address Iran’s non-compliance.


In conclusion, the Quad countries reiterate their commitment to supporting the IAEA in its efforts to ensure transparency and compliance with safeguards agreements. They call on Iran to urgently and unambiguously cooperate with the Agency to address all outstanding issues and demonstrate its commitment to maintaining a peaceful nuclear program.

As the international community continues to monitor Iran’s nuclear activities, the Quad countries remain vigilant in upholding the principles of non-proliferation and safeguarding global security. Iran’s adherence to its safeguards obligations is crucial for maintaining trust and stability in the region and beyond.