
Honoring Her Majesty: The Unveiling of Queen Elizabeth II Sculpture in Antrim Castle Gardens

Amidst the lush greenery of Antrim Castle Gardens, a new addition has graced the landscape – a stunning sculpture of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Commissioned by the Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council, this magnificent statue, crafted by talented local artist Anto Brennan, captures the essence of the Queen in a dignified pose that reflects her grace, steadfastness, and lifelong dedication to public service.

Standing adjacent to the statue of her beloved husband, Prince Philip, the royal couple’s united presence is highlighted, symbolizing their remarkable bond throughout their lives. To complete the scene, two of the more than 30 dogs that Her Majesty owned during her lifetime stand beside them, a nod to her love for her furry companions.

A Symbol of Stability and Dedication

Born on April 21, 1926, Queen Elizabeth II holds the title of the longest-reigning British monarch, serving for over 70 years. She was not just a sovereign but a symbol of stability and dedication, known for her unwavering commitment to duty, her ability to modernize the monarchy, and her personal warmth that endeared her to millions worldwide.

As a leader, Queen Elizabeth II provided a source of strength, inspiration, and unity during times of conflict, grief, and uncertainty. Her legacy is marked by her deep devotion to public service and her close personal connection with the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth realms. Her Platinum Jubilee celebration was a testament to her enduring reign and the impact she had on generations.

Remembering Her Majesty’s Legacy

Lord-Lieutenant of County Antrim, Mr. David McCorkell KStJ, Her Majesty’s Personal Representative for the County, expressed his honor at being present for the unveiling of the statue. Reflecting on the Queen’s reign, he emphasized her dedication to duty and selfless service over seven decades. The statues of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip stand as a tribute to their enduring bond and legacy, ensuring that future generations remember their contributions.

Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Neil Kelly, spoke proudly of the Council’s efforts to honor Her Majesty’s memory. The unveiling of the statue serves as a tribute to Queen Elizabeth II’s extraordinary life and reign, as well as her deep connection with the people of the Borough. It stands as a lasting reminder of her dedication to service, resilience, and ability to unite people across generations.

Deputy Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Paul Dunlop BEM, highlighted Queen Elizabeth II’s love for outdoor life, particularly walking in the countryside and spending time with her dogs. The bronze sculpture in her memory at Antrim Castle Gardens is a fitting tribute to her legacy, set amidst the beauty of nature that she cherished.

A Personal and Living Bond

The proposal to commission the sculpture was made by the Council’s King Charles III Coronation Sub Committee in 2023. Queen Elizabeth II’s desire to show that the Crown is a personal and living bond between her and the people is reflected in the statues at Antrim Castle Gardens. The sculptures of Her Majesty and Prince Philip can be found in the Parterre Garden, a serene setting that pays homage to their enduring legacy.

In conclusion, the unveiling of the Queen Elizabeth II sculpture in Antrim Castle Gardens is a poignant tribute to a monarch who dedicated her life to duty, service, and unity. Her presence, along with that of Prince Philip and their beloved dogs, serves as a reminder of the enduring bond between the royal couple and the people they served. As visitors admire the sculpture in the picturesque surroundings of the gardens, they are reminded of Queen Elizabeth II’s legacy and the impact she had on the world.