Norway, as ninth European country, has agreed to include asylum seekers from a ship of German aid organisation Lifeline. This was shared by Maltese Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat. The pledge was for those from Mediterranean rescued 234 people who could be recognized as asylum seekers. Those who would be classified as economic migrants would be sent back to ir countries of origin.

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In addition to Norway, Lifeline also wants to include France, Portugal, Nerlands, Luxembourg, Italy, Belgium, Ireland and Malta mselves as asylum seekers.

Helpers complaining “criminalization campaign”

The lifeline and Sea-watch rescue organizations raised serious accusations against European governments and called for a European solution to deal with refugees in Mediterranean. They were exposed to a criminalisation campaign, said Marie Naass of Lifeline. The aid organisations would be made from politics to scapegoats for a failed migration policy. “We are only re because states do not meet ir responsibilities,” Naass said.

The rescue ship of same name, lifeline, had rescued refugees in last week from Libyan coast 234 and was mistaken for days over Mediterranean because Italy and Malta refused to ship. On Wednesday evening it was granted permission to dock in port of Valletta.

Court date on Monday

Malta’s government accuses Lifeline captain of violating international laws and ignoring instructions from Italian authorities. The captain had been questioned twice by Maltese police, and Legal Adviser of Organization. He is now to be brought to justice in Malta. He was accused of misconduct in connection with registration of ship. Court date on Monday.

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The captain had also been accused of ignoring instructions of Italian authorities in rescuing migrants from Libya. The government in Rome had instructed ship to leave Libyan coast Guard to salvage. According to helpers, Coast Guard did not come to rescue fast enough.

Refugees-» Lifeline «Reaches port in Malta rescue ship of a German non-governmental organisation was able to invest in Malta with 233 migrants on board. It had been waiting for permission at sea for days. © Photo: Darrin ZAMMIT LUPI/Reuters