With 45 votes against 15, and 2 abstentions, the Insoumis deputies decided to reinstate Adrien Quatennens, this Tuesday, April 11, during an internal vote in the National Assembly. Four Insoumis had previously auditioned the former number two of the party in the morning. In a press release published on social networks, the parliamentary group assures that Adrien Quatennens “is engaged in an internship [of accountability on violence against women], being finalized, meeting the expected criteria”. Present as non-registered since his return in January 2023, the MP will return to the ranks of the second opposition group as of Thursday, April 13. A decision that further divides the Nupes.

“The problem is that he had four months of sanctions, four months which were not effective since he spoke in the Hemicycle,” said Green MP Sandrine Rousseau. Several left-wing elected officials had left the Palais-Bourbon during Adrien Quatennens’ speeches since the beginning of the year. “Why for four months was it not possible to prevent him from speaking in the Hemicycle and to ensure that he was not present? I will no longer leave because it is not up to feminists to leave the Assembly, ”adds the elected representative of Paris.

A vision shared by socialists: “We said what we always said. If Adrien Quatennens had been a socialist, he would not have been reinstated,” claimed party first secretary Olivier Faure. The left-wing groups, excluding LFI, agree to prohibit any return of the deputy from the North within the coalition. “We don’t have to judge what the Insoumis group is doing, if they want to reinstate it, they reinstate it, but we don’t want it to have any responsibility in the Nupes intergroup,” says the number. one from PS. A few days after the attacks of the communist Fabien Roussel against the elected LFI, the left alliance finds itself on the edge of the precipice.

A potential divorce all the more difficult to assume as Marine Le Pen tops all the latest polls. “It’s sometimes complicated to follow the logic of LFI who wants to rule everything, give driving lessons to everyone and who, when it reaches his own camp, lifts all taboos and authorizes everything”, ironically the deputy of the Rassemblement National Laurent Jacobelli. “The easiest thing would have been for Adrien Quatennens to stand for re-election to find out what his constituents thought of him,” he adds.

If it’s not yet one step too many, it’s getting closer. The deputies on the left want to quickly move on to the next episode, a few days before the decision of the Constitutional Council on pensions. “It’s a soap opera that’s been going on for far too long and it’s at odds with what we collectively wear. We have the will to carry a feminist revolution, to ensure that the time of women comes. It assumes that we are exemplary in this area”, observes Olivier Faure, who counterattacks: “You have done a lot on Adrien Quatennens, much less on government setbacks, including on an Interior Minister who has been selling his services for sexual services. »

Adrien Quatennens was sentenced on December 13, 2022 to a four-month suspended prison sentence for domestic violence against his wife. The LFI group had followed the court decision by suspending him for the same period within the group at the Palais-Bourbon. The elected officials had also forced the deputy from the North to take a course against domestic violence. The one who was to be the natural successor of Jean-Luc Mélenchon will have to show his credentials in the future.