Former President of the Republicans (LR) Laurent Wauquiez asks Emmanuel Macron to “mobilize a form of sacred union around decisive measures” after the urban riots, in particular the “expulsion” of foreign perpetrators of violence, a “shock prison” and the “suspension of social assistance to offenders and relatives of offenders”. “It is up to the President of the Republic to mobilize a form of sacred union around decisive measures”, explains Laurent Wauquiez in an interview with Le Figaro published on Wednesday.

The “carceral shock” that he advocates consists of the inclusion in the law of “minimum penalties of deprivation of liberty effective from the first act of violence against persons” and “systematic prison imprisonment at the first attack on physical integrity », as well as the construction of additional prison places. Third measure: “Restore an idea of ​​​​duties in the face of rights, by suspending, as proposed by the current boss of the LR, Éric Ciotti, social assistance to delinquents and parents of delinquents”. The former minister of Nicolas Sarkozy also evokes “a path of hope” with “the construction of a strong system of merit scholarships from the primary class”.

If “stopping immigration is a necessary condition”, it is not “sufficient because our problem is also these delinquents of French nationality who do not recognize themselves as French and who are in detestation of a country which gave so much,” he said.

For the ex-boss of LR, the riots “have nothing to do with a social crisis and even less with the death of a young person, however tragic it may be”, but are “the spectacular symptom [of] the disintegration of state and nation”. The one to whom many commentators lend intentions for 2027 still believes that “the French have a strong doubt about the competence of Marine Le Pen […] to deal with such a situation”.