in Switzerland Alone, two million people on short-time working. More than half of the world’s workforce, two billion people, could lose because of the plague of the Job, calculates a BCG study. As each thought makes the existence. It could be just, thinking more and more.

The so-called savings ratio increased in the crisis, steep: it expresses, what part of our income we set aside. Even the shoppers US consumers are now stingy. Their savings rate has risen to never before reached 33 percent. The Swiss have saved up to 22 percent. This means that you save more than one out of every five Swiss francs.

Less is more

From Zurich to Beijing is: Less is more. The new age of “Less” to substantiate data from China. The new Generation of “Corona saves”. 45 percent of the boys between 21 and 30 now have less income than before the crisis. Saving-Apps are the new Download-Champions. They are called Mint, Monefy, human Capital, financial book, money control, or good budget.

Where is my money? The programs provide insightful answers and help to achieve financial goals. This also shows that more and more people are willing to the most intimate financial data on unregulated software companies to give away. The financial Distress of the users makes you blind for privacy, the Apps are linked directly to Bank accounts.

Saves! Give from!

And the shock to the saving does not stop with the digital milk büechli Apps. There are applications that help to remove unnecessary insurance. And how you can save energy and water? With the Energy Cost Calcualtor. The phone all night the power was out yesterday. The power of the battery is broken, eats up electricity. Now the Eco Charge App tinkles when it is full. Immediately off the web applies of course also for other technical devices. The flow limiter has what it takes to be the Symbol of the new economy. The part you installed on the hose to save water.

“Shoppe less,” Dunning the programs – “a buy-more”, to lure the politicians. With economical citizens, the invoice no longer is. The state budget threatens to go bankrupt. In Switzerland, the consumer is the main Driver of the economy. Governments bite on the new old virtue of saving the teeth. Around the Globe, it revived the desire to buy. The US to send Checks to all Singapore parents, Spain has experimented with the basic income, Germany reduces VAT, China distributed shopping vouchers or urges officials to eat out. So far with moderate success.

Invest instead of consume

crises to solve-saving movements. The financial crisis has brought forth the Frugalismus, the looks in the genügsameren life, a richer existence. The idea: as much as Possible taking as little as possible to spend and, if possible, profitable investing. Say: The affluent society to criticize and at the same time, growth-driven capital markets benefit? As long as the System has to be so, it is even more important to let as many non-wealthy people benefit from it, defends the movement. Instead of investing to consume so? Since Corona and more people are googling in the world according to the term. The Frugalisten seem to meet the spirit of the times. #departure

* Patrizia Laeri (42) is economic editor and presenter of “SRF Börse” and “Eco”, as well as Advisory Board member in the Institute for Digital Business at HWZ. She writes every second Wednesday for VIEWS.