The start of sales of the VW electric model ID.3 has been moved to the beginning of September. Orders of the first model from VW’s electric Offensive are from the 17. June possible. ID.3 a series is to establish a fully-electric vehicles in the Volkswagen in the coming years, billions is. He is to 2020 as the Central project of the world’s largest car company. From autumn the car is expected to be available in Switzerland. VW sales chief Jürgen Stackmann had made the first deliveries, originally “in the summer” in views. Specifically, in July was planned. However, it is hooked up in the Software.

ID.3 will be later with Updates

most of The functions, 254 of a total of 256, but should be available from the start played. Later, the customer can use App Connect to a Mirroring of the Smartphone user interface in the software system of the car-as well as an extension of the Display in the Head – up Display. The aim of the car manufacturer is to be able to by the end of the first quarter of 2021, all the facilities that offer full. Other applications should be updated at regular intervals.

of The ID.3 is only as a higher-equipped First Edition can be ordered for around 54’000 CHF; the number of units is limited to 30’000 vehicles. Starting in mid-July, the base version is for around 32’000 Swiss francs orders.

33 billion euros for electric mobility,

Volkswagen is up to 2024, on a group-wide EUR 33 billion in the E-mobility – of which a third is accounted for by the main brand that pays for 2025, with 1.5 million produced electric vehicles. ID.3 is for the car manufacturer is also important, in order to create this year more stringent CO2 regulations in the EU. Most recently the group chief Herbert Diess (61) had to give up the of in the in the dual mandate-driven core brand, VW, Ralf Brandstätter (51). This should so have more time for strategic issues. But the internal criticism had become loud to the delays in the launch of two important models in Golf, and ID.3.

During the Corona-crisis had the tapes in the factory in Zwickau not been used for several weeks still. In the Parking lot of the Saxon site, many of which are recorded, stored, and later with the entire program lined up because of the Software delays last. (SDA)