There has occurred an open division between the social democrats and The People’s UNION-rapporteur Jens Rohde, according to Ekstra Bladet today has revealed that the ministry of Finance has counted 5,8 billion dollars wrong in the calculation of the expenditure ceiling for the EU budget.

Enough recognise The finansordfører Christian Rabjerg Madsen to Ekstra Bladet, that there has been a calculation error, but he keeps stuck in that error is of no importance.

– It is a sad and human errors that have occurred in the ministry of Finance. It is just that one has put a budget line in twice, and hence comes it to count twice, and there is the error, he says.

According to Jens Rohde regnefejlen one of the reasons that the government have decided to vote against the EU budget for 2020.

It invalidates the Christian Rabjerg Madsen with reference to a note of the ministry of Finance, which says, ‘that the error does not have an impact on the ceilings for the EU budget to 2020 is complied with’.

– The crucial thing here is that the error does not have any significance for the government’s assessment of the EU budget, namely that it is too high, which is the reason why we voted no, says the rapporteur.

– So it is here that the expenditure ceiling is exceeded, when the error to be reckoned with, it does not fit?

– It is factually wrong that the expenditure ceiling being exceeded in the EU’s budget as a consequence of regnefejlen.

– It does not mean, however, that the Danish government does not believe that the level of spending is too high, and it is, therefore, we vote no. It is the highest level of spending ever, and it is our assessment that the EU will need to prioritize instead of sending a bigger bill for the european taxpayer, says Christian Rabjerg Madsen.

– So, no matter regnefejlen had the government chosen to vote against the budget?

– Yes, it is completely and utterly real. There are a variety of reasons, that the level of spending in the EU is too high. We think in particular that the level of expenditure for administration is too high. It is actually increased by 300 million from the 2019 budget 2020, despite the fact that the EU stands to be a state less, he says.

According to Jens Rohde (R) is Christian Rabjerg Madsen and the Ministry of finance’s interpretation, however, not really.

– It is a big contradiction. It is simply not true, and I know that it is something the ministry of Finance trying to tell him, but the truth is that if you read the negotiating mandate, then writes the government to not recognize the Commission’s previous interpretation of the flexibility instrument not count against the expenditure ceiling, he says.

He believes, therefore, that there is not just talking about a calculation error, but that the committee has been misled.

– the ministry of Finance must make up his mind what the ministry of Finance considers. It says in the negotiating mandate that the government places crucial emphasis on the fact that all the figures including the flexibility instrument count in relation to the ceiling. So you can’t come afterwards and say that it was not yet, says Jens Rohde.

the Liberal party finansordfører, Troels Lund Poulsen, is liable to the government’s decision to vote against the EU budget. He is concerned for regnefejlen.

– It (regnefejlen, red.) pulls over a trail of bad information and misinformation from the ministry of Finance to the Parliament, and I think it is serious. This is yet another example of the fact that we do not get the right information, as a parliament, and therefore I think also, that the minister of Finance first and foremost owe an unreserved apology and in addition also going to explain in Committee how this can occur, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

He refers to that the government also in the presentation of the finance act gave the Parliament the wrong information.

According to the interpretation from The finansordfører, Christian Rabjerg Madsen, has the fault, however, not had the big impact.

– Both the Left and the Radical Left want an explanation on how the error could occur. The left also believes that the finance minister owes an unreserved apology. Does it come from?

– It is a sad and human error that has happened because there is a extra budget line, and it is very regrettable that the ministry of Finance to make the type of error.

– the Bug has been fixed, and the error has no significance for the political assessment, the government has laid down over the EU budget, says Christian Rabjerg Madsen.