The Social Democrats lose a point and fall back to third place. If there were a federal election now, black-green would have more mandates together than the three traffic light parties, which together only get 45 percent.

The political mood in Germany remains stable. However, the SPD slipped back to third place in the RTL and ntv trend barometer, as the Greens gained one percentage point compared to the previous week. The left gives up a point. The values ​​for all other parties do not change.

If the Bundestag were elected now, the parties could expect the following result: CDU/CSU 28 percent (Bundestag election in September 2021: 24.1 percent), Greens 20 percent (14.8 percent), SPD 19 percent (25.7 percent) , AfD 14 percent (10.3 percent), FDP 6 percent (11.5 percent), Left 4 percent (4.9 percent). 9 percent of voters (8.7 percent) would choose other parties.

At 25 percent, the proportion of non-voters and undecided is slightly higher than in the last federal election (23.4 percent).

If those entitled to vote could elect the Federal Chancellor directly and they had the choice between incumbent Olaf Scholz, the Green Economics Minister Robert Habeck and CDU leader Friedrich Merz, 21 percent would currently choose Scholz. That is one percentage point less than in the previous week. Merz and Habeck each accounted for 20 percent – that’s one percentage point more than in the previous week.

If those entitled to vote had the choice between Scholz, Merz and the Green Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, 24 percent would still choose Scholz and 22 percent each for Merz and Baerbock. In this constellation, Merz also gains one point, for Baerbock it is two points more than in the previous week.

When asked which party is best at dealing with the problems in Germany, 14 percent named the Greens. 11 percent of all eligible voters currently trust the Union and the SPD most likely to have political competence. The FDP accounts for 3 percent, all other parties 7 percent. 54 percent of those entitled to vote do not currently trust any party to deal with the problems in Germany.

Forsa also asked how satisfied the Germans are with the work of Scholz, Baerbock, Habeck and Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner.

The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute Forsa on behalf of RTL Germany from November 8 to 14, 2022. Database: 2503 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: /- 2.5 percentage points. Job satisfaction data from Scholz, Baerbock, Habeck, and Lindner were collected on November 11 and 14. Database: 1001 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: /- 3 percentage points.

More information about Forsa here.Forsa surveys commissioned by RTL Germany.