WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court Pick, Ketanji Brown Jackson has started preparing for a high stakes confirmation battle to be the first Black woman on Supreme Court.

Biden’s announcement Friday was met with praise from progressive leaders and Democrats. Although conservative advocates and Republicans reacted negatively to the decision, many Democrats were open to supporting Jackson, a former public defender and a judge on U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington. Circuit.


Now, the process moves to the 50-50 Senate where Democrats’ top priority is to keep all of their members together to Jackson. This would suffice to confirm her. In 2017, Republicans eliminated the 60-vote filibuster rule in Supreme Court nominations. However, the White House, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), say that their goal is also to win Republican votes.

Durbin, who hopes to have the process completed by April 9, stated that the committee had sent the White House the traditional questionnaire regarding a Supreme Court nominee. He expects a response “very soon.” He said that Jackson would meet with senators after the questionnaire has been sent to White House.

Durbin stated Sunday that “we have an advantage in the case because this judge Ketanji Jackson has been before this committee as recently as last years,” and vowed to work hard for a “united, strong” caucus as well as some GOP votes.

Jackson began preparations for the White House over the weekend. She will be making visits to Capitol Hill in this week’s time, according to a White House official who is familiar with her plans. To help guide her through the confirmation process, former Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.) has been enlisted.

Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said Jackson’s nomination was “historical” and that he is open for supporting her, even though it was against his vote to confirm her to the D.C. Circuit.

He said that she deserves a careful and deep look. “Hopefully, I’ll have the ability to support her in final analysis.”

After Jackson has answered written questions and met with senators, the Judiciary Committee will place her in the hot seat to hold a hearing. The full Senate will then vote.

Jackson, 51, will replace Justice Stephen Breyer if she is confirmed. This would preserve the court’s conservative balance of 6-3. Most likely, the seat will remain in liberal hands for many decades.

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He said that he didn’t believe it would be as partisan, as he referred to the confirmation battle for Justice Brett Kavanaugh. “She will be replacing another liberal on court.”

Jackson is a judge and has no record of writings, speeches, or rulings regarding hot-button topics such as abortion, gun rights, or freedom to worship that lead to more difficult confirmation battles.

Joe Manchin, a Centrist Senator from West Virginia, stated that he would evaluate Jackson based on her “record and legal qualifications” and “judicial philosophy.” He added, “I look forward meeting with Judge Jackson before deciding whether or not to give my consent.”

The ad wars are already underway.

Demand Justice, a progressive organization, has begun airing a TV ad praising Jackson as “one the most qualified Supreme Court nominees” and noting past support from senators from both parties.

Judicial Crisis Network is a conservative group that doesn’t reveal its donors. It argued in an advertisement that Biden was being pressured by liberal “dark-money” groups that want an “activist judge.” Some Republicans, including Senator Minority Leader Mitch McConnell from Kentucky, pointed out that Jackson was the favourite of progressive advocates.

Three Senate Republicans, along with all 50 Democratic-voting senators voted for Jackson’s confirmation to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals June: Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

Graham expressed dismay at the nomination, having advocated for U.S. district Judge J. Michelle Childs from his home state. Collins expressed openness to the nomination and praised Jackson’s “impressive academic, legal credentials.” Murkowski clarified that her support of Jackson in the past “doesn’t signal” how she would vote, calling the Supreme Court an “incredibly high bar.”

On Sunday, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), was interviewed by Fox News about GOP claims that Jackson is “far right” and was nominated to be a political deliverable. She described the allegations as “offensive.”

Klobuchar described Jackson as an “incredibly experienced” woman, whose parents were teachers in public schools. Klobuchar said Jackson has “more experience than four of the Supreme Court’s judges.”

Senator Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) called Jackson an “outstanding nominee”, who has been praised and hailed by his associates.

“She’s brilliant. She sees the upside of everything. He said that she is a compassionate and caring person at Sunday’s news conference. “And I hope that a lot of Republicans will support [her].

His office stated that Schumer will meet with Jackson Wednesday morning.