There has long been something of a mystery for the scientific community, why the ice on Antarctica is not melting more quickly than it actually does. The ocean, with a sufficient amount of heat to cause at least three times as much work.

Because Antarctica plays a crucial role in the success of a large havshöjningen can be expected to grow as the climate changes, it is an important element in the climate models. The water contained in continental ice caps could raise the sea level of the oceans by several metres.

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Now, a Swedish team of researchers have found the explanation for the smältmysteriet. By analyzing the data from the test equipment right at the edge of the Cobalt in the Västantarktis, they have been able to see that the glaciärkantens sudden form of protecting the ice with the warm ocean currents.

” the Ice is a couple of hundred feet to a steep wall that is sticking down in the water. In order that the current should be set under the ice, the water must be pushed up a lot, and it requires a lot of energy to the water, prefer to follow the edge of the ice hole, ” said Anna Wåhlin, who led the study and is a professor of oceanography at the university of Gothenburg.

To place the test equipment as close to the glaciärkanten is not completely safe, ” explains Anna Wåhlin. They have a huge istungorna, which juts out into the sea, it can stand up to more than 100 feet above the surface of the water, and calves are often large iceberg. In addition, they’re moving all the time.

” It’s hard to work in there. We had a total of five mätriggar as well as the current and the temperature. The closest was about 500 meters away from the edge, ” said Anna Wåhlin.

the Tide was led away,
and When the researchers compiled the findings, which were published in the journal Nature, they found that only 30 per cent of the circulation was up over the ice where the melting takes place. In addition, the slowed down water is up considerably, which also contributed to the potential of melting decreased significantly.

” When we worked on it, so we were able, for the first time to get the värmetransport to make ends meet, and the actual melting, which is constantly measured with the satellites.

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The photographer is moving all the time, slowly to the sea, where they shoot out of the water, and blend away. When the system is in balance, growing the ice on the land at the same rate as the loss of the ocean due to the rain. On the west side of the decreasing of ice in a fairly dramatic pace, ” explains Anna Wåhlin. On the other hand, there is instead a certain amount of growth. However, the overall picture of the entire continent is a couple of years ago that the Antarctic is losing more ice than what is in time are created.

” It’s been a long, drawn-out debate, because it is not easy to measure and we know more about the moon than about the future. But for now, most agree that the net value is negative, that for a long time have been a positive one, ” said Anna Wåhlin.

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One of the key conclusions of the research group’s discovery of the iskanternas what matters is that the melting is not affected by the stronger winds and ocean currents, as has previously been assumed. Instead, play the low in a key role, as they help to pump more out of the comparatively warm water of the deep sea.

” There’s so much new knowledge that we did not have time to do any scenario as of yet. However, I would hazard a guess that you fall into the lower range of today’s business scenarios, ” said Anna Wåhlin.

However, this protective mechanism is based on the fact that the iskanterna is still intact. Makes you wonder what will happen if they go away, ” she says.

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