the Debate has been running on high pressure, after it emerged that the actress Sofie Gråbøl had to play a woman with a weight of 200 kilos in the movie ‘Resin’.

in Order to be able to play the role of Maria, who is so hampered by its weight, that she didn’t really leave his bed, had Gråbøl take a so-called ‘fat-suit’, since the film had to be recorded. Something, she now defends.

“Whether it is transgender people, thick people, people of color, women – all people, who have felt their opportunities are limited by virtue of their gender, skin colour, sexual orientation, body – we are in our full right to require visibility and representation, she says for the magazine, Femina, and continues:

“And I know that exactly in this case would have a thick woman to play the role. They tested several amateurs, for there are no actors in this size in Denmark, but could not find any, they seemed to be able to cover it. For this IS a role. And I can be a little offended by that one only sees Maria as a thick woman. For it, I think that you do, when you say: ‘This is just a thick woman, so it must be a thick woman.”

the Film is about a dysfunctional family, who live isolated from the rest of society, and Sofie Gråbøl plays so the mother in the film.

In the ‘Resin’, she plays the opposite, among others, Peter Plaugborg and the young talent Vivelill Søgaard Holm, who play, respectively, the danger Jens and his daughter Life.

As a voice in the debate wrote fat activist Dina Amlund a post in the newspaper Politiken, where she struck a blow for, to you drop ‘fat suite’.

the Post went under the heading of ‘Tykfobi in theatre and the film industry: It is neither funny or harmless, when Sofie Gråbøl clothes out as fat’, and here wrote Amlund, among other things:

“Many think that it is just fun or no matter whether an actor dresses up as thick, but it is actually deeply problematic. Fatsuits goes far back in underholdningshistorien and act like blackface (when white people paint themselves dark in the skin of portraying or caricaturing brown people, red.) that some find it basic amusing when people who are at the top of the social hierarchy, to temporarily be downgraded to be in the bottom. Where the point is to see a man, which is sleek and white, being dressed up as someone who is fat or black. But it is violently racist and tykfobisk,’ writes Amlund, among other things.

the Film ‘Resin’ had its premiere 12. december, and the reviewers have not been so positive about the Gråbøls portrait of the fat woman Maria. Among other things, wrote Sounvenues Morten Kildebæk:

‘Sofie Gråbøl’s not doing anything wrong skuespilmæssigt, but she will be anyway a more disturbing element, because she is wrapped in an artificial, glistening fatsuit.’ He gave the film four out of six stars.

Also in the newspaper Politiken, where Amlund also expressed his dissatisfaction, was the notification is not overwhelmingly positive, and the film ended up only getting three stars out of six.