Soran Ismail, responding to the våldtäktsanklagelserna

At the beginning of the metoo-the movement, wrote the dagens nyheter news, ”a Swedish comedian, is being investigated for suspicion of rape”, in which they reported that at least three of the women of the islands, an actor and tv-profile incidents of sexual harassment and assault, and wherein at least one of the women said it was rape.

He remained anonymous in the media, but has now decided Soran Ismail to go out in the Swedish newspaper, svenska Dagbladet, and tell them that it was he who was in the show themselves.

” I don’t know exactly how many people know and you don’t know, but for me, it was so that everyone didn’t know. All my friends knew it was me, ” he told the newspaper.

Claiming that he is innocent
He will claim that he is innocent of what the women says that he has made, however, when he was reported to the police, chose Soran Ismail to withdraw from the limelight. It took me five months to investigate, before Ismail was notified of suspicion by the police, and was called in for questioning. In may, the year 2018 was the investigation down.

” and I were all over the place. Then this happened and all of a sudden I have nowhere to go. There are many people who deserve an explanation. I have always felt that I would like to, or need to, to comment on it. However, I have had the time, ” says Soran Ismail, for the Swedish daily newspaper svenska Dagbladet.

in The past praised the comedian said that he has found it difficult to accept that many women have been reported to the police for him, and he felt that he had the consent of all of the more intimate situations.

” It is not necessarily an easy relationship, especially when sex is involved. I think that people will always think that it’s fairly clear what they want and think and feel. However, it is not always the case.


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