Ten years ago, in the Gulf of Mexico a drilling Rig exploded. In the case of the “Deepwater Horizon”disaster of around 800 million litres of Oil flowed into the sea, with dramatic consequences for the environment. The radio station SRF4News the disaster recently in his “daily chronicle” review.

Just an embarrassing error happened: SRF comparing the leaked Oil with the nine times the volume of lake Geneva. That’s not true front and rear With a total of 89 cubic kilometres, the volume of lake Geneva is the largest fresh water reserve in Europe. In comparison, the leaking Oil in the Gulf of Mexico is less than 0.001 percent.

Successful complaint

The error SVP has objected to the social Democrat national councillor Therese Schläpfer (61, ZH) via SRG Ombudsman’s office successfully and you get right. “Specially annoying” is not for the Ombudsman’s office that it is just a comma error, but that the SRF has also used the image comparison. The editors have apologized for the “without If and But”, and the archive adapted.

Schläpfer had also requested that you should not refer to the oil spill as “one of the greatest environmental disasters” – the international sensation. But here, the national Council subject to: In this second point, the office of the Ombudsman has rejected the complaint. (gbl)

PS: Here is the SRF program are available to download – however, the embarrassing calculation error was deleted in the meantime from the sound track out.