it’s going backwards: Under the title “Now we’re talking Black” is made the SRF-“Arena” to make the racism in the part of Switzerland. The major part of the programme, three out of four people in the front row white. Searching for “Arena”-participants speak from their own experience of racism, apparently, was not easy. The composition of the protagonists will also be cancelled in the debate yourself on the topic, many would have called it on the edge.

Only interested it would have been quite. “I was asked if I would be interested, and have promised”, says Remo Schmid-Aquino (34), black Prix-Courage-winner in 2017. Was not invited he but ultimately. Moderator Sandro Brotz (50) confirmed that Schmid-Aquino contact has been added. And stressed: “We are not against him, but for other people decided.”

“SRF is no longer save to”

Schmid-Aquino is disappointed. “This show was a Farce,” he the next day. “How can you claim that racism has no place, and then hardly Affected talk?” In particular, Participant Angela Addo had done to him, sorry. “She was obviously really intimidated,” he says, “this is not a discussion at eye level.” It is clear to him: “the SRF is beyond saving.”

sour, the Vote of the SVP national councillor Andrea Geissbühler on poking him. To say, “in the SVP there are no racists, is a simple lie.” Indeed, the SVP is hard in this respect again and again. Last, about the beginning of the year has ensured the candidacy of SVP-politician Marcel Toeltl (58) for the St. Gallen cantonal Parliament uproar: After a Federal court decision in 2017, you may refer to this penalty as a “self-confessed racists and Nazi-sympathizer”.

disappointment after the background conversation,

Schmid-Aquino is not the only one who is disappointed about the selection of the participants in the discussion. According to the Eritrean media Federal SRF had brought in advance with them talking in the Background. This is committed to ensuring that Immigrant from Eritrea – around 40’000 people in the Swiss Public a voice.

“Unfortunately, the discussion has brought nothing. On the contrary,” says spokesman Okbaab Tesfamariam. SRF had shown that it had little idea of racism. “We and many others have earned a voice.”

Brotz defended

Sandro Brotz defended the “Arena” in an Interview with LOOK. “We have considered the issue of racism as important and relevant, and a total of five black people to get a word in, three – of them in the Studio,” he says. You’ve capture a current debate and to send out a signal. “This is not the public only in this way, hurts me as well for the Team, “Arena””.