In Berlin, the G7 countries are negotiating concrete climate targets. In an exclusive ntv interview, Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke says: Germany will need liquid gas terminals, but not for long.
Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke announced that the climate, environment and energy ministers of the G7 countries had agreed on joint measures at their meeting in Berlin. “There are very specific declarations and agreements for the expansion of renewable energies, but also, for example, for phasing out coal,” said the Green politician on “ntv Frühstart”. The final communiqué of the conference will have “a very strong emphasis on climate protection, the protection of biological diversity in nature and also commitment against plastic pollution”. In addition, it is about the future of the circular economy in order to save resources.
Furthermore, the G7 states had agreed that the World Conservation Conference should take place this year in order to place ocean protection even more at the center of G7 policy – “because marine protection is also so necessary for combating the climate crisis and the nation states will do that with specific individual measures at home,” said Lemke.
Lemke defended the construction of liquid gas terminals in Germany and pointed out that they are only needed for a limited period of time: “We need this for a transitional period if our living rooms are to stay warm. If the industry is to continue running, then it will these gas terminals need it for a short transition period.”
However, these are temporary and must also be suitable for “renewable gas for the future”, said Lemke, adding: “That means no investment in purely fossil infrastructure, but really for the transition.”
With a view to the concerns of nature conservationists and species conservationists and the accusation that the approvals for the liquid gas terminals were granted too quickly, Lemke said: “We are accelerating the inspection, but we are not suspending it. When building these liquid gas terminals, too environmental regulations are observed.” Nature and emission protection would not be ignored, said Lemke, emphasizing: “We are speeding up the process, but we are not lowering the standards. Nature conservation compensation measures must also take place there if there is an impairment of nature.”
Lemke also emphasized: “We want to make renewables the leading and main energy source in Germany and Europe.” This meant a “forced” expansion of wind power and photovoltaics: “Getting it done in an environmentally friendly way is a difficult task, but we will solve it. To be honest, also because we have to solve it. There is no other way,” says Lemke.
Lemke described it as a “big signal” that at the meeting of the climate, environment and energy ministers in Berlin, three crucial natural crises would be “thought together”: “The climate crisis, the extinction of species and plastic pollution: they are linked and they accelerate each other . That’s why we have to tackle them all three together.”
In addition, Lemke warned urgently: “Above all, the same thing must not happen to us with the crisis of species extinction as with the climate crisis, that it is ignored for far too long and then time is running out to solve it.”