the British prime minister, declared a week ago that he was, in spite of coronaepidemins it all the harder to grasp, indeed, intend to continue to shake the hand of the people. It is a contributing factor to his and the government’s coronahantering have been criticized.

Now, Johnson has finished, shake the hand, and, on Monday, he held a press conference, Stefan Löfven, should allow themselves to be inspired by. The prime minister spoke about what the government is taking action and what is planned moving forward. He pointed out that the measures should be based on scientific grounds – to be effective, should be placed in at the right time, and not have to be fancy, but at worst counter-productive.

Anders Tegnell, and coronaepidemin

On Tuesday, the prime minister, Stefan Löfven on a visit to the Swedish contingencies agency in sweden, and according to TT, he shook the generous hand of the people he met. When the Radio is turned up and asked if it is time to limit the crowds, ” replied the prime minister to be, of course, if the expertmyndigheten so require, the department of justice to press the button ”direct”.

Stefan Löfven wants to give the impression that he is, at the time, while the Folkhälsomyndigheten control of the country, he has been perfect. However, it is not, of course, there is the impression that the Swedish government will bring in a time of crisis.

the Prime minister’s absence might have been less eye-catching on the Folkhälsomyndigheten it had been a natural leader, who stepped forward with authority, gravity, and energy, as someone with teaching ability. However, statsepidemiolog Anders Tegnell was a cautious general, who gave the impression that the coronaepidemin was very manageable, and not only on the dangers ahead. Readiness was declared to be good, and the situation is under control. , Stefan Löfven needs to step it up
the statsepidemiologen traveled to Somalia – an odd decision at a crucial moment, and he was replaced at the conference by its vice president and by the Folkhälsomyndighetens the director-general. No fault of their expertise and, of course, but on Tuesday, when they revealed that the risk of a general spread of disease in Sweden was judged to be ”very good”, and that it is already in the works in Stockholm and the Gothenburg region – emerged in Sweden as a ledarlöst.

It is high time that those who govern the country, to step forward. Sweden is in need of a voice bubbles over with scientific, caveats all around, but is talking out of his beard in Sweden have to be prepared for the significant challenges ahead. In a worst-case scenario, it may be needed, how many beds, how many ventilators. If the situation worsens further, the following steps may need to be addressed.

in Sweden, it can’t be ledarlöst of the crisis.

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