“I will not give up convincing”, launched Élisabeth Borne during the congress of Horizons, the party of Édouard Philippe, Saturday in Vincennes, while pleading for the “overcoming” right-left in order to “enlarge the majority” as Emmanuel Macron wishes.

“I will not give up on convincing. I will not give up on building compromises. I will not give up on acting. I am here to find agreements and carry out the transformations necessary for our country and for the French people”, declared the Prime Minister , weakened since 49.3 triggered on the pension reform and the motion of censure against his government which failed by nine votes.

“United, we will be until the end the militants of courage, the partisans of the reform, and more than all, the architects of the solutions”, added Ms. Borne.

The head of government both explained the roadmap assigned by Emmanuel Macron to “enlarge the majority” relative, while pleading again for “overcoming” between the right and the left, where Horizons, party member of the majority, is anchored on the right.

“Expanding our majority means concluding project contracts with each other, without preconceptions, without necessarily looking in the same direction, and building an agenda of reforms at the service of the French people. I know that I can count on the mobilization of Horizons to achieve this,” said the Prime Minister.

“For my part, my identity is overcoming. I will remain the guarantor,” assured Ms. Borne. “Because going beyond is the only way to respond to what concerns French women and men. It is neither right nor left to want your child’s teacher to be replaced when he is absent.”

“We must listen to the doubts and sometimes the anger expressed in the social movements, which go well beyond pension reform. This is a demand for justice. It is a question of taking into account the evolution of our relationship to work and to offer real prospects to everyone”, also estimated the Prime Minister.

Edouard Philippe, of whom she was the minister when he led the government (2017-2020), had previously paid tribute to the “correctness”, the “determination” and the “intellectual honesty” of Ms. Borne.

25/03/2023 17:54:34 – Vincennes (AFP) – © 2023 AFP