According to estimates by the Federal government has developed the refugee camp, Al-Hol in Syria, a dangerous terrorist school. The ideology of the terrorist militia “Islamic state” (IS) and its implementation would be given, in particular, of foreign IS-supporters “in organized teaching groups to minors,” reads a reply from the foreign office to an inquiry of the left faction.

“Accordingly, the radicalization degree of the children and young people. Physical and verbal violence from this group“, – stated in the document, which is present the German press Agency, more. Of the IS management level, the children and young people in the refugee would, in camps and prisons, apparently, considered as the “next Generation” of the so-called IS.

The camp, Al-Hol is located in a Kurdish-controlled Region in the North-East of Syria. On the General Situation in the camp, which was created after the conquest of the last Syrian IS stronghold of Baghus in March 2019, according to the Federal government relying on press reports and his own findings: “Assault of IS members to be violent and ends more often in homicides than in 2019.” The refugee camps were over-crowded, the supply situation is bad. It is estimated that about 80 percent of the women who had come from Baghus to Al-Hol, the “IS-moral police” would have connected.