Jimmie Åkesson went on to the Turkish-Greek border and handing out flyers to thousands of people.

Message: ‘Sweden is full of.

the Trip has attracted criticism from, among others, the Christian democrats and the social democrats.

When a Gp is talking with Kajsa Falasca, a researcher in political communication, she says, to the point of the SD leader, was ”attention-grabbing”.

” He does not show up for a scheduled meeting at the parliament in order to get on a plane. It is to be documented on social media, in which he speaks to his supporters and potential voters, ” says Falasca.

” It could definitely be seen as a way to run a campaign outside of parliament. That, quite simply, to get attention, and to pursue a question that The find is an important one.

< Falasca argues, furthermore, that this is not the way, so it usually engages in public relations.

” there is criticism of the trip is not at all surprising. However, he chooses to do so, and if he has any grounds is, of course, difficult to know.

” Absolutely.” And this is the one in which he draws attention in social media, which is addressed to his own followers. In this way, trying at the same time, that drive public opinion and draw attention to the issue of the refugees, who find themselves on the brink.

” this can be seen as a rather opportunistic or populist. He has now left and is said to be disappointed in the Turkey which is a democracy, and that it has not worked out as he planned.

the Scientist: ”He wants to create a public opinion”

< Falasca believes that it is in the bottom of the Jimmie Åkessons to create a public opinion.

” He chose to do it this way; not to travel to this area, where there is an on-going conflict. However, the majority of the political forces work through other channels. To do this, in the way that Jimmie Åkesson is doing is quite remarkable, and to which the leader of a large party are travelling down there and hand out flyers.

” at the same time, he is very much the criticism that he gets a lot of attention and media space. So, in this way, can be heard and seen Jimmie Åkesson in a debate. It can be seen that the reason why he is doing this trip.

< Falasca says that it has been ruled, among The to extra-parliamentary action, and do not always work within the official channels and in the parliament.

” When Jimmie Åkesson as party leader is doing this, it may be able to continue on this path in the future.

READ MORE: , Åkessons, the first word after the Turkey, the drama READ MORE: Åkesson at the border: don’t Come to Sweden.

READ MORE: , the Team Thoroughly on the Akesson, ”It is frivolous, frivolous”