Against Donald Trump, you can say a lot – but not that the democratic legitimacy is lacking. However, a free choice is also the American President has no right to break the Constitution or international law.

Now, the presidential election in early November before the eyes, seems to Trump to be ready to manipulate the election itself. How else to understand his statement that it could take this Time, months, even years, until the result is fixed? Usually always on election night, so Trump that Donald Trump had won the election, Donald Trump is the next President.

Open to show one’s contempt for democracy is hardly to expression in a mother country in the rule of the people. The dispute over the letter choice and the financing of the Post has shown Once again how important the entire procedure for the freedom of a choice.

It’s not that the voters proceed without pressure and intimidation to the ballot box and their vote can be enough. Also the electoral system and the counting of the votes must be transparent and fair.

With its dark hints of the incumbent, not only makes it clear that he considers the choice for already gone, but also that he wants to stay to really have any price in office, and no breach of the law shy. A further challenge for all the other institutions and, ultimately, for the people.