The experts of the 10 kinds of bags: How they affect the environment

the EU’s goal is that each and every person by the year 2025, only consumes the 40 plastic carrier bags, as compared with 102 bags per person, the figure is low in 2018 at the latest. The government has decided that the English of the customers from the 1st of may in the year are required to pay a plastskatt of the bags. This means that the carrier bags are going to cost you a dollar a piece, and the plastic bags for fruit and vegetables goes on for 30 cents apiece.

The new tax on financial transactions to generate strong feelings and emotions. Lena Lundberg, who is in charge of the plastråvarufrågor in the area of innovation and kemiindustrierna in Sweden, the IKEM, has warned that the result will be that carbon dioxide emissions would increase by 40 per cent. The forecast is based on the people in the place of plastic carrier bags from the sale, which is often re-used and end up being rubbish – will be replaced by the imported-waste-bags of fossil-based plastics.

There is also a study from the Danish equivalent of the Swedish environmental protection agency, which shows that plastic carrier bags will give the least environmental footprint and to be a tote bag in the organic cotton provides for a 20 000-fold greater environmental impact than a plastic bag.

However, the Danish study is not fully transferable to a Swedish context. English plastic carrier bags in the retail sector are, for example, is much better than the Danish one, ” says Lena Lundberg.

< Papppåsar of the fruits and vegetables are often out of the bio-based raw materials, and can be used for food waste. However, they can weigh up to ten times more than plastic bags for fruit and vegetables, and, thus, lead to more transport.Photo by: ANDREW HILLERGREN / TT NEWS agency in sealed plastic Bags in grocery stores are often out of biobasetat the material, but skärpar down if they get in the wild. Photo by: BERIT ROALD / NTB SCANPIX the TT NEWS agency cloth bags last and can be washed, but the cotton is damaging the environment a lot. Photo by: UNKNOWN is a Previous Next Exit fullscreen mode the Expert: ”the environmental protection agency should look at”
She continues:
– Because there is so much interest in the minds of consumers to find out more about the variety of their environmental impact, should the government give a mandate to the environmental protection agency to make a similar assessment made in Denmark and based in sweden.

Åsa Stenmarck is a waste, and resursexpert at IVL Swedish environmental research institute Swedish environmental research institute and has been a government inquiry. She points out that the issue is a complex one, but it is, in her opinion, a good general rule is:

” The most important thing we can focus on the terms of the bags is to be sure to use the bags we have at home. Most people probably have several of them bomullspåsar, nylonkassar, paper bags and plastic bags,… We should focus on what we are putting in the bag when we’re out shopping.
in 10 a variety of the bags – they affect the climate and the environment
Åsa Stenmarck, waste management, and resursexpert at IVL Swedish environmental research institute Swedish institute for industrial environmental economics, Lena Lundberg, plastexpert in the economics of Innovation and kemiindustrierna in Sweden, and finds out the following:

is usually made of recycled or bio-based raw materials, promoting the american plastic recycling. Re-used most frequently, at least once, and usually ends up as waste.

• the Risk that the litter down, and for a long time to decompose if it ends up in the environment.

• the bio-based materials.

• can be Difficult to re-use.

a Small plaståtgång. The use of recycled and bio-based raw materials is growing.

• breaks down if you load too heavy, have the potential to contain fossil material.

• can be used many times, it’s easy to wash, resistant to water. Holds a lot and is holding up.

• The fossil material.

• can be used several times. Holds a lot and is holding up.

• Can contain fossil material.

Keep going to be the wash.

Cotton is environmentally harmful in the manufacturing process (chemicals and water) and the bag needs to be used very many times.

• Keep going to be the wash.

• the Less chemicals, but it’s still a big vattenåtgång in the manufacturing process.

• Often, the bio-based plastics. It can help to reduce food waste, by protecting the goods during transit back home from the store and in the home. The better the customer picks up the right amount of to buy the pre-packaged fruit/veg which on the one hand, this requires more packaging material, and which may result in the discarding of goods.

• run the Risk that the litter down.

• the bio-based raw materials. It can be re-used for food waste.

• it Can weigh up to ten times more than plastic bags for fruit and vegetables, and, thus, lead to more transport. Optionally, add the customer of the goods in a plastic bag before being placed in the fridge, and then it will be double the package footprint on the climate.

Well, then, you are using what you have.


to View merVisa mindreSå many plastic bags do we use
, the EUROPEAN union’s goal is to have every person consume a maximum of 40 in the carrier bags at the end of the year, by 2025.

, the Target for 2019, the figure was 90 per person.

by 2018, low-consumption, in 102 bags per person.

Source: the Epa)

View merVisa off. READ MORE: a Danish study Plastkassarna of 20, 000 times better than that of the fabric. READ MORE: Plastexperten: the more Expensive bags offers 40 per cent more emissions. READ MORE: : the EUROPEAN union’s criticism of the Swedish tax on the plastpåsarLandet to take the hard line – to be phased out completely over a two-year

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