Emmanuel Macron on Monday praised the work of French diplomats who are working in difficult conditions, citing in particular the situation in Niger where the ambassador is still in post, although the soldiers who took power have asked for his departure.

“France and the diplomats have been confronted in recent months with situations in certain particularly difficult countries, whether in Sudan where France has been exemplary, in Niger at this very moment and I salute your colleague and your colleagues who have been listening since their post,” the French president said in a speech to the ambassadors at their annual meeting.

The soldiers who seized power in Niger on July 26 and have since held the overthrown President Mohammed Bazoum prisoner in the presidential palace have taken France, the former colonial power, as their preferred target.

The National Council for the Safeguarding of the Fatherland (CNSP) in power, headed by General Abdourahamane Tiani, asked Friday evening for the departure of the French ambassador stationed in Niamey, Sylvain Itté. The CNSP also denounced the military agreements between Niamey and Paris.

Thousands of people in favor of the coup demonstrated on Sunday near the French military base in Niamey, brandishing placards demanding in particular the departure of French troops.

But France opposes a position of firmness, arguing that it does not recognize the military regime. “The putschists have no authority” to demand the departure of the ambassador, the Foreign Ministry said on Friday evening.

Paris also supports the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) in any action to restore constitutional order in Niger.

28/08/2023 12:18:56 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP