doubt fly back to the goalkeeper Spanish, which has encased the 41% of the shots received in the League of Nations

Luis Enrique: “This is what you need”

Lovren attacks to Ramos and to the selection: “they’re a bunch of cowards”

At one in the morning, already Friday, the Federation’s president, Luis Rubiales, accompanied by their people of confidence, he caught the elevator to go up to the room and rest. In the lobby of the Sheraton hotel in Zagreb, just a utillero and a couple of employees were trying to defuse the tension of a match. The players, after the dinner, they were already in their rooms-all except Sergio Ramos, who came out tooting the stadium to catch a private flight and returned to Madrid. In the atmosphere, the feeling that the tie between England and Croatia is not only possible, but probable, and that Spain will play the Final Four of June. It would be a small smile among the face of concern that has been given to the Spanish team. Because, regardless of which Spain is classified or not, the reality draws a horizon disturbing. Or, at least, uncertain.

“we’re trying to create a team”, she repeated Luis Enrique, still in the stadium Maksimir. In that team there are few certainties. In reality, there is no because the only one there, breathed by the coach, it remains to provide a performance not as indisputable, but minimally defensible. The name, of course, is David de Gea. Because the analysis of the night in Zagreb, more or less public, speak of all. Speaking of Ramos and his anarchy, Busquets, and its irrelevance in the zone zero of the team, the convenience of playing with a false right side, of Isco and its irrelevance, the lack of a front reliable (Paco Alcácer, after three goals in a match and a half in October, not here)… It speaks to all but in the end, almost all of it ends up in the goalkeeper of the selection.

it Is the only certainty, because he has wanted to coach, so abstract for everything, so specifically in the press room at Wembley after his first game: “I’ve never doubted him. We have one of the best goalkeepers at the world level. I understand that you have discussions, but I have no doubts”, he spoke, so that’s not likely to change. However, the data are the ones that are and do not leave in a very good place with the goalkeeper. Forgetting the grim statistics of the World (11 goals in 12 shots on goal), the figures offered in this League of Nations is not good. In total, in the four matches, they have drawn 17 times between the three poles, and seven have been completed within (41.1%). The figure was significantly worse only talking about the defeats. Between England in Seville and Croatia on Thursday shot 10 times on goal, and the team conceded six goals (60%).


beyond the numbers, the feelings are also palpable. On Thursday, in the first goal, born of a mistake the rude Sergi Roberto and a deprecation of Ramos, when Kramaric looks to the Gea, the gestures of the own Ramos and Iñigo Martínez were clear: “oh, Salt, salt!”, seemed to say with the arms, and then, to consummate the tragedy, staring at the goalie. The same happened in the third, when the captain will look as asking for explanations on why it was not caught by the first shot. In the second goal, both Jedvaj as a partner are not alone in the small area, but it is the debate on if he was to have gone to the center of Modric. “Now is not the time to analyze, you should see the game on tv, but we must not identify”, said Luis Enrique when asked directly by the theme.

it Is impossible to ascertain what goes through the head to David, who with 26 years, after the european Championship in France, was awarded the accolade of trust that presumably needed when Lopetegui took over the shadow of Iker Casillas (already had taken the position with The Forest in that final phase). Precisely at the start of the Euro, in the case Torbe, are situated the reason why it is impossible to know what you think of him all of this. His aversion to the press has been multiplying exponentially for two reasons. First, because it understands that that episode was not treated with respect and second because, speaking only of football, we have been convinced that the criticism of sport that you receive are due to the friendship that has Iker Casillas with some journalists. For all of this has made the decision to not even give press conferences, for a lot of the communication department of the Federation keep trying.

Today, with 28 anniversaries, and regardless of the reasons, it is obvious that De Gea has not been shown with Spain, the level that will display in the Manchester United. “He’s always had the same way of doing things, he has not changed”, they say from their environment.

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