The protection of the Constitution recorded in the past years, a significant increase of anti-Semitism in Germany. The President of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution, Thomas Haldenwang said the “süddeutsche Zeitung”: “We need to find that there was an extremist right-wing anti-Semitic crimes during the year of 2018, an increase of 71 percent in the past year by a further 17 percent. In the everyday lives of our Jewish citizens, this means they are often insults, threats, attacks exposed.“

The Federal Agency wants to publish on Monday, a more than 100-page management report to anti-Semitism. Haldenwang defendant, the Situation was bad. “If I am Jewish citizens say that you have to ask yourself, when the time is reached, to leave Germany – that you are already at this point: Then the situation is bad.” There were also “forms of everyday anti-Semitism and anti-Semitic resentments, which are outside of our regulatory jurisdiction – sometimes up in bourgeois circles”.

“the Latent was the anti-Semitism is always there.” More recently, extreme Right-wing, but their Agitation packaged skillful to even wider layers to address. “The old hatred more acceptable. The limits of the sayable move in favor of the anti-Semites.“

The protection of the Constitution the President referred to a “New right”, whose anti-Semitism is more subtle and subtle, therefore, to come. “It is more likely to be working with hints. We can see now many of the Corona-demonstrations if, for example, of a world conspiracy is spoken, which will, allegedly controlled by “the interests of the American East coast”.” Old anti-Semitic conspiracy tales would be so “hiding behind Codes”.