Thüringen allowed to take on the Commitments of the Federal government, none of the additional asylum-seekers from the overcrowded refugee camps on the Greek Islands. A request to the government of Federation has rejected the interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU).

In a Letter to the Interior state Secretary Hans-Georg Engelke to the Thuringian Minister of justice and Dirk Adams (Green), it says: “With a view to a uniform Federal treatment is to be avoided, for the same group of persons the consumption in Germany, due to two different legal bases and with two different legal consequences,” – the direct granting of a residence permit, as provided for in the case of a land-recording program, or the open-ended implementation of the asylum procedure, as in the case of the Acquisition of jurisdiction by the Federal government after the so-called Dublin regulation. The rejection was first reported by the “mirror”.

In the framework of a European relief campaign, it was agreed that several EU countries are recording together about 1600 minors of the Greek Islands. Because of the Corona pandemic, it came to delays.

After tough negotiations within the Thuringian minority-coalition of the Left, the SPD and the Greens had agreed to the state government on 500 refugees who remain in a Greek Store, record. From the beginning, the project was subject to the approval of the Federal government.