The island has more than 1,400 employees, of whom about half are tourists, according to The turismmyndighet.

two of the people with hepatitis c in the staff, is believed to have had the coronavirus, of an Italian tourist, who tested positive after returning to their home country.

The authorities have identified the people who had been in contact with the infected. These people can be completely isolated from other people, as well as the individuals that they are, in their turn, have been in contact with.

“At the moment, we can say that they are going to be monitored during the first 14 days,” says turismministern Ali Waheed, according to Reuters.

the Authorities have not yet decided whether or not the people who have not had contact with the infected should be allowed to leave the island.

40, the swedes settled on the island of
in Total, there are around 40 swedes are in Kuredu. The wing has a resort on the island, and, through the agency live 27, the Swedish people there.

“It’s going to come to a decision in the morning about the amount of time you will need to have it in a quarantine area,” says dr E, press, on the Wing.

She tells her story in the Sunday night sent out a text message to all of the guests with the details of what happens next.

” of Course, they can also get in touch with us, and we will try to help in the best possible way out.

the Wing also has customers who have booked trips to Kuredu, within a short time.

With the help of it we will see to it that they are given the option to stay at other hotels in the area, ” said Anna Hagberg.

the Authorities have also indicated that they have taken ”ad hoc, restrictive measures” on a different island, and after that, Italian citizens have shown symptoms of the Sandies resort Bathala island.

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