in Spite of dramatically high-Coronavirus-case numbers to the exercise of President Donald Trump pressure on the States of the United States, so the schools open after the summer holidays again. “We want our schools open in the fall,” Trump said Tuesday at a round table on the subject in the White house. This is very important both for the country as well as for the well-being of pupils and their parents. “We will put pressure on the governors and all the other to open the schools.”

The Republicans warned, to keep schools from political considerations, closed. He was referring to the democratic governors of States, the crowd in large numbers against Trumps on a quick return to normality fight back. Trump played the situation in his country down repeatedly. “Because we test more, we have more cases. If we were to make half of the Tests, we would have a lot fewer cases,“ he said. The number of new cases has been increasing since the middle of June, however, proportionally more than the Tests.

mortality rate is “the lowest in the world”

Trump said on Tuesday the number of deaths have significantly declined in comparison to the peak of the crisis. However, the President also said that the mortality rate in the United States, “the lowest in the world”. This is according to data from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) is not correct: Among the 20 hardest by the pandemic-affected countries, 13 countries have a lower mortality rate per 100 confirmed infections.

Trump practiced sharp criticism at the elite University of Harvard, which had communicated on Monday, due to the Coronavirus in the winter semester, all the Lectures online to hold. “I think that you make it easy, and I think you should be ashamed of themselves,” said Trump. The President ruled out a repeat Lockdown because of the pandemic. “We remain open, we close.”

The number of new infections in the United States has increased since mid-June as a result of the easing of Corona requirements dramatically. The country was on the Monday after the JHU-statistics-an increase of 45,000 new cases confirmed. In the past week, there were more than 50,000 per day. The level remains significantly higher than the previous peak of the pandemic between March and may, when the United States captured daily between 25,000 and 35,000 new infections. A total of around three million Coronavirus have been recorded since the beginning of the pandemic infections in the United States. More than 130,000 people died as a result of a Covid-19-disease.

The immunologist Anthony Fauci – the working group of the White house belongs to the Corona – was shown on Monday in the face of a rapid rise in the Corona-infections in the South and West of the country concerned. The current situation was “really good” and requires “immediate” Action, said the Director of the National Institute for allergies and infectious diseases in a Live Chat.