The efterkrigsgeneration to which I belong, has a lot in common with traumatized immigrants as we have seen in the last couple of decades. In particular, the children of Mellanösternbakgrund who were born in this country, carry on a social legacy that is very similar to my own.

For me, it’s been a good life, even though the vast majority of my family was murdered. Föräldragenerationen had to carry with them the experience of the famine, the concentration camps, and the disease, in order to finally end up in Sweden, and left empty-handed, but with the stark despair of in the trunk.

some of the survivors died during the first year of the sanatoria or mental hospitals, on the basis of their lägersviter. The remainder gave birth to a new generation, it’s mine.
We were a class of four – no one bitched,

Those immigrants who live in the so-called ” utanförskapsområden of the living material in a prosperity that my generation never got to enjoy.

for our out-dated one-room apartment, four people sharing the small space. My parents were sick and could only work in their poorly paid work periods. Home from the factory, buy the cheapest food from the grocery store, to patch the worn-out clothes, and a socio-economically speaking, the working-class quarters. Not a car, a knastrig a radio, and a few simple toys for their children.

When I was professionally meet the young people who, unlike me, insist on speaking broken English, seems to have a hard time reading social artighetskoderna, or they blame their failures on the school, I will be sad.

and No one bitched. The contact between the parents and the schwenskarna was at a minimum. It could be felparkerade the bikes in the back yard. The number of drunks, where we used to live, in Möllevången in Malmö, sweden, exceeded the far exceeded the national average.

in the Solitude of the Swedish character were from time to time.

Still, it was good for us, despite the fact that such a terrible psychological and social themes. But the academic tradition in the family was a doctor, a psychologist or a teacher. We were able to measure ourselves by the social group to which one in terms of their career.
Choosing to speak broken English, why not?

The flyktingvågornas debacle amazes me. They have served the security, to learn the Swedish language and it is not uncommon for a nice treatment of parts of the indigenous population, it is considerably more involved than my föräldragenerations.

I will professionally meet young people who, unlike me, then, to insist that speaking in a broken English, seems to have a hard time reading social artighetskoderna, or they blame their failures on the school, I will be sad.

This is going to turn out badly
Examples, it will be bad for them. The boys ‘ aggressiveness is rewarded with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or autismdiagnoser, while they are not the girls to be branded as depressed. A call to action, but at the same time, sensitive approach is essential to the cultural, and the chaos of its neighbouring crime, which is now growing up.

As a pediatrician and a child psychiatrist, have learned to never giving up. When sliding patients out of your therapeutic approach. Young people should be treated with respect, even rötäggen. But most of all the teachers to remain teachers and not have to deal with the complexity of the familjehärvor.
you’re in a hurry – bring in the schools
the school nurse has been thinned out. It can cope with the current situation of the influx of social, somatiskt, and the psychiatric subject as is allowed to run around with his destructive narcissism. The way up to the most highly qualified doctors, psychologists, police officers, and socionomerna at the school. Use these together to manage the health status and relieve the pressure on the teachers!

in the us, for a time, society’s flotsam and jetsam, that would have been the worst odds of winning. We can now confirm that we are in fact able to do. Poverty and segregation, in all it’s glory as a political weapons, but with a well thought-out utvecklingsoptimism is the most important thing framtidsfrågan the social climate.

and Then, it will not be skipping school on Friday.

as a Child, and ungdomspsykiatriker.

the Authors.

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