pronounced After the death of the African-American George Floyd in a brutal police operation, America’s President, Donald Trump for a strengthening of the police authorities. With a view to demands, the strike police funding to match, Trump said on Thursday night in Dallas: “you speak of actually do not have police powers. Now, this will not happen with us. We will have stronger police forces.“ Trump added: “We need to dominate the streets.” This, however, needs to “be done with compassion.” The President also spoke out for a better training of the police.

the protests as a result of Floyd’s death, claims have increased evade for a “Defunding” (the financing of) the police. The idea is to reduce the Budgets for police authorities and funds to social projects to divert is. Trumps government denies that there is systematic racism in the police. The Republicans Trump accuses the Democrats of wanting the police to get rid of. Actually, the Democrats are calling for Congress to police reforms.

“Not too many black sheep in the police force”

Trump has condemned Floyd’s death several times, and the right to peaceful demonstrations, and stresses. He is, however, not be accused to have a clear position against racism and did not show enough understanding for the anger about discrimination and injustice in the country. The ongoing protests because of Floyd’s death, he has commented on so far, especially from the point of view of safety.

Trump said in Dallas that his government was working on plans that should ensure that police authorities comply with Standards for the use of force, including tactics to de-escalate had. The training and equipment the police needed to be improved. Minorities should also have better access to economic development and health care. The White house announced on Wednesday plans Trumps for police reform, to be submitted in the coming days.