After all, you need to use any brain power to it, whether the withdrawal of American troops from Germany could follow a strategic calculus. Indeed, there are none. There is only the need for punishment of the American President. He stood now self. Because Germany does not reach the Nato-agreed two percent of the gross domestic product on defense spending, pull it around 9500 soldiers. The perceived weakening of the party by a protective withdrawal – looks like the leadership in the Alliance? That’s not far from extortion and modern Mercenaries away.

no, the American troops are not stationed in Germany to protect Germany, but to serve American security and global political interests. Germany serves the United States as a platform for their Engagement in Europe, in Asia and Africa; it strengthens the Alliance and to deter Russia. A nanny for rich Germans don’t have to play the American soldiers.

the American interest, and on cohesion and strengthening of the Nato Trump and his Einflüsterer not stand in the White house. Keep track of the fixed idea that only those who behave in an exemplary way, only those who are in the trade policy in America is not “unfair,” treating that deserve the American soldiers. The station is then a kind of bonus.