
An AI-assisted analysis has uncovered a significant number of previously unknown Nazca geoglyphs, shedding light on their forms, locations, and potential uses, as per a recent study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. These geoglyphs are intricate figures on the ground created by moving stones or gravel. While field surveys dating back to the 1940s had identified 430 figurative geoglyphs depicting motifs like animals and humans, Masato Sakai, Marcus Freitag, and their team utilized AI image analysis on high-resolution images of the entire Nazca region in Peru to expedite the discovery process.

In just six months, the authors managed to identify an additional 303 geoglyphs with the help of the AI-based system, which proved to be particularly adept at recognizing relief-type geoglyphs. These relief-type geoglyphs, which are smaller and more challenging to spot compared to the larger line-type geoglyphs, were found to predominantly depict domestic animals or humans. On the other hand, the line-type geoglyphs were more likely to represent wild animals. Additionally, the study revealed that relief-type geoglyphs were strategically positioned within viewing distance from foot trails, whereas line-type geoglyphs were located near a linear network of geoglyphs.

The authors suggest that relief-type geoglyphs may have served as a means to communicate cultural concepts, potentially related to domesticated animals or rituals involving human sacrifice, to individuals or small groups traversing the trails. Conversely, line-type geoglyphs might have been associated with community-level ritual activities. The findings provide valuable insights into the ancient Nazca civilization and offer a glimpse into their beliefs and practices.

Moreover, the study highlights specific examples of these newly discovered geoglyphs, such as a 22-meter-long relief-type geoglyph depicting a killer whale holding a knife and an 18-meter-long relief-type geoglyph portraying a human. These intricate designs further emphasize the complexity and diversity of the Nazca geoglyphs, adding to the rich tapestry of ancient art and culture in the region.

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