With her inexperienced New Year’s Eve video, Defense Minister Lambrecht not only caused ridicule but also massive criticism. Chancellor Scholz is now saying that he will continue to hold on to her as head of department.

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht also has public support from Chancellor Olaf Scholz after her New Year’s Eve video. When asked whether the Defense Minister continued to enjoy the Chancellor’s unconditional trust, Deputy Government Spokesman Wolfgang Büchner said: “Yes, of course.” He reiterated: “The Chancellor works well and trustingly with all of his cabinet colleagues. And of course that also applies to the minister I spoke to.”

When asked, Büchner made it clear that the chancellor was sticking to his statement in December that he considered Lambrecht a “first-class defense minister”. “Nothing changed about that.”

Lambrecht once again attracted great criticism with her video that was distributed on Instagram at the weekend. In it, she takes stock of the year 2022, which was shaped by the war in Ukraine, but her words are repeatedly lost in the whistling of New Year’s Eve rockets and exploding firecrackers. She also said that the war in Ukraine was associated with many special impressions and encounters with interesting people. “I’d like to say a big thank you for that,” she said.

There are demands for his resignation from the Union. It is awaited with interest whether and how the SPD will position itself with the minister at the annual meeting of its parliamentary group in the coming week.