At the beginning of March, Scholz will make his second trip to Washington as Chancellor. The meeting with US President Joe Biden will focus in particular on security issues. Further sanctions against Russia and transatlantic cooperation are also issues.

US President Joe Biden receives Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the White House on March 3rd. According to the US government headquarters, one of the most important issues will be the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. “The Chancellor’s visit is an opportunity to cement the deep bonds of friendship between the United States and our NATO ally, Germany,” Biden spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre said. Other “regional and global security issues” would also be discussed, including the “challenges posed by China and our cooperation in the Indo-Pacific”.

The meeting shortly after the first anniversary of the start of the war will also discuss how Ukraine will continue to be supported and how sanctions against Russia will continue. Next week will mark the first anniversary of the start of the war. For Scholz, it is the second visit to the White House as Chancellor.

Scholz was in the US capital for his inaugural visit at the beginning of February 2022, just a few weeks after taking office. Even then, Ukraine played the central role. By that time, tens of thousands of Russian soldiers had already deployed to the border of the neighboring country. A good two weeks later, on February 24, 2022, Russia began the invasion.

Shortly before the somber anniversary, Biden will travel to Poland, which borders Ukraine, next week. Biden wants to meet there with President Andrzej Duda and representatives of other Eastern European NATO countries. According to the White House, a speech is also planned, with which Biden once again wants to assure Ukraine of long-term support.

The United States is considered Ukraine’s most important ally and has launched various packages of weapons and ammunition worth billions. According to the Pentagon, the US has provided or pledged nearly $30 billion in military assistance to Ukraine since the war began. The Americans sent various heavy weapon systems to Kiev.

Like other partners, the German government has made extensive military aid available to Kiev in recent months. Scholz followed the course of the USA very much. For a long time he hesitated to send German Leopard main battle tanks – until the USA, in turn, agreed to supply Abrams tanks. Scholz always emphasizes the close coordination with the largest and most influential NATO member.