With a minute’s silence reminded thousands of people in Minsk to one of the protesters who came for the protests in Belarus lost their lives. Many laid on Saturday in the capital city of flowers and lit candles to see how in Videos in channels of the news service Telegram was. Some knelt in the vicinity of the accident site in the vicinity of the center and stopped. The place resembled a sea of Flowers.

According to the authorities, to be exploded in the hands of the 34-year-old Alxandr Tarajkowskij an explosive device, “he wrote,” on the security forces want to throw. Many people do not believe this Version. The observer suspected that he was a noise and flashbang lethal hit.

An eyewitness told the Portal tut.by the man was running on Monday at the police officers that there had been no Explosion. The father of the protesters, it should therefore also be not allowed to see his son in the morgue one last Time. Researchers of the Russian Conflict Intelligence Team, expressed the suspicion, Tarajkowskij might have been a special forces soldier shot.

In connection with the protests against the head of state Alexander Lukashenka to date two people have been killed. The police in the city of Gomel, had confirmed on Wednesday the death of a young man, who was arrested on Sunday. According to the mother of the 25-year-old man who had a heart disease wanted to visit his girlfriend and was on the way, in police custody. He came then to a hospital, where he died.

Also on Saturday, the country went back far tens of thousands of people in several cities of the country against the head of state Lukashenka on the road. Trigger the massive allegations of forgery overshadowed the presidential election last Sunday was.