The message is alarming: as a result of climate change, polar bears could be up to the year 2100 in the wild, extinct. Because of the disappearance of their habitat due to rising temperatures, the meat-eaters would find less food, says a study in the current issue of the journal “Nature Climate Change”. The bears were in a vicious circle, because hungry, exhausted animals had less success at hunting.
In some regions, can be observed, the already to. With the Shrinking of the ice at the North pole, the window of time that will stay with the bears for the hunting of seals shrink himself. With less body weight, the bears would then be worse by the Arctic Winter. Twelve of the thirteen populations studied are not likely to survive the next 80 years, the conclusion. In the Arctic temperatures are rising twice as fast as the global average.
“For the bears, the time is extended without food, before the ice freezes over again and you can once again on the hunt,” said the head of the study, Steven Amstrup of the NGO, Polar Bears International.