” It is insufficient. Emmanuel Macron did not mince his words after the G20, which was held this weekend in New Delhi, India. The President of the Republic regretted the summit’s lack of ambition regarding projects to combat the climate crisis. He wished to alert on the need to set up more ambitious objectives regarding the exit from oil.

The final communiqué of the leaders of the great rich and emerging powers meeting in India over the weekend does not call for an exit from fossil fuels, contrary to the hopes of several observers. “It’s insufficient,” admitted the French head of state.

“For my part, I am very concerned about the spirit which is beginning to reign, including within the members of the G20, on the climate issue”, less than three months before the COP28, he said. added in front of the press. “I am alerting everyone, we are not there,” he insisted, saying he heard “too easy a discourse which is taking hold among certain emerging countries to say that only the richest countries have a responsibility” .